You Are Not Trash!

You are not trash!

Throughout the movie, Toy Story 4; the new character, Forky, tries to throw himself into the trash. He has always known that he is trash, and even though he has now become a beloved toy, he still thinks of himself as trash. Forky is mentored by Woody, who tries to convince him that he is now loved. No matter what Woody tries to say or do, Forky just doesn’t comprehend.

There are so many metaphors that could be at work here! For me, I see Forky as a person who has been mentally beaten down. This could be an adult or child, male or female.

I always thought of myself as someone with a healthy self-esteem. I never imagined myself being a victim of domestic abuse. After a 12 year relationship (8 years married), I felt like trash! The lowest point came during the last year of marriage. All of the lies of my spouse started coming to light, the demands became more and more unrealistic, and the insults magnified. I truly felt that my spouse would not be happy as long as I was alive. His anger toward me was escalating, and I knew he had a history of gun violence. I remember being at the lowest point…feeling worthless.

When I finally gathered the courage to leave, I had to start back at zero and build from there. I remember at one point saying,”if I just go back and let him rape me, he will be fine.” Who says that?!

Thank goodness I had supporters like Woody in Toy Story 4, who repeatedly pulled me back and reminded me that I was valued! I call those people the “Army of Angels”.

I can only imagine that the metaphor can apply to any situation which involves a change of self-perception. It helps to have support and encouragement along the way.

Have you been through a transformation of your perception of yourself? Who stood beside you?


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